Natural marble dial VS Ceramic marble dial
The natural marble dial is made from pure natural limestone material. The ceramic marble dial is a ceramic tile that has been physically pressed and chemically fired. It has the characteristics of same pattern, color and texture of natural marble, and has a hard texture and a fully controllable pattern of the dial. So what is the difference between the two?
Let’s do the following comparative analysis:
·Quality & Cost
Natural marble dials are generally cracked and fragile, and processing requirements are very high. A little carelessness will cause fragmentation. The product is costly and the cost of finished products is high.
The ceramic marble dial is a ceramic tile that has been physically pressed and chemically fired. It has the characteristics of same pattern, color and texture of natural marble, and has a hard texture, relatively easy to process and produce, and the production cost is much lower than the natural marble dial.
·Pattern/texture of the dial
In addition, the natural marble dial has a natural texture with an irregular dial pattern so each dial is unique.

Natural Marble Dial
The process is fully controllable of the ceramic marble dial according to customer requirements, and the same dial texture can be produced in large quantities.

Ceramic Marble Dial
The quality ceramic marble dial looks naturally and difficult to distinguish from the natural marble dial. It can reach 99% similarity. So the ceramic marble dial is totally comparable to the natural marble dial.